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GB Gold Medal625.JPG
The historic city of Montpellier Languedoc-Roussillon region of France. A market stall in Place de la Comédie à Montpellier.European Gymnastics Championships. Montpelier France. Senior Mens Team Final 26.5.12The historic city of Montpellier Languedoc-Roussillon region of France. A market stall in Place de la Comédie à Montpellier.European Gymnastics Championships. Montpelier France. Senior Mens Team Final 26.5.12European Gymnastics Championships. Montpelier France. Senior Mens Team Final 26.5.12. Great Britain take the Gold Medal ahead of Russia and Romania.European Gymnastics Championships. Montpelier France. Senior Mens Team Final 26.5.12. Great Britain take the Gold Medal ahead of Russia and Romania..GB Team Gold Medal Winners..Rusian Panteleymonov,Max Whitlock Louis Smith,Dan Purvis and Kristian Thomas